Hidden Triggers of Economic Growth in V4 Plus Ukraine

Dátum: 08.07.2013

Visegrad Fund

The project is funded by the International Visegrad Fund. The project is led by INEKO with partners from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine.

The triggers of growth of the transition period are close to exhausting their potential. No clear alternative sets of policies leading to higher sustainable economic and social progress have been prepared. This project will formulate such policies in four areas: consolidation of public finances; education, measurement quality and (labor market) results; high unemployment; and enhancing integration chances of Ukraine. Workshops; best practices analyses and policy papers are to reach these goals.



  • Webinar 1, 22.5.2015
    Topic: Public Finance Consolidation
  • Webinar 2, 2.10.2015
    Topic: Education, measurement of quality and (labour market) results
  • Webinar 3, 29.1.2016
    Topic: Solutions to high unemployment rate


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