Mag. Regina Ovesny-Straka

Date of Birth: 12.05.1959
Nationality: Austrian
Native Tongue: German


1965-1969 elementary school in Vienna
1969-1977 secondary school in Vienna
1977-1982 studies of economics besides working in a concert agency
1982 finalising studies of economics of the University of Economics Vienna with the title of magister


1982 entry into Creditanstalt Bankverein Vienna
1982-1984 department public relations
1985-1988 department retail banking
1988-1992 manager of the branch office Julius Tandler-Platz
1993-1994 deputy manager of the branch office Linke Winzeile
1994-1998 member and speaker of the managing board Creditanstalt, a.s. Bratislava
1999-2001 Chairman Board of Directors Bank Austria Creditanstalt Slovakia a.s.
2001 Slovenská sporitežňa, a.s. Chairman of the Board and President
2001 President of the Slovak Banking Association

Indicate languages: English, Slovak, French


Abstract of the speech:

Presentation gives comparison among investment climate in the present EU and in new member states, mainly V4. The emphasis is put on the banking sector in V4 and its pioneering role in the economic transformation and attraction of foreign investment. Further factors such as human capital, labour costs and taxation issued are also assesed.