Martin Bruncko is an economist specializing in financial and public economics.

He has extensive experience as a consultant for both private and public sector. After receiving his undergraduate degree, he held a professional post in Washington, D.C., at William Kent International, a management consulting firm specializing in international business strategy, where he advised such firms as Nike and Philips.

In his later position at the OECD he worked on the implementation of Slovakia's accession in the OECD's economics department. Subsequently, his main responsibility as a consultant at the World Bank included advising the Slovak government on an optimal strategy for the utilization of EU's structural funds.

Hi is currently a chief economic advisor to the deputy prime minister and minister of finance of Slovakia, Mr. Ivan Mikloš.

He holds a B.A. degree from Stanford University and an advanced graduate degree from Harvard University. He has also studied at several distinguished French institutions of higher learning, including Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris.

Mr. Bruncko has published numerous technical articles in journals and books and co-edited a volume on the implications of European integration for Slovakia.

Beside his native Czech and Slovak, he also speaks fluent English and French, as well as some German.


Abstract of the speech:

Presentation will address main issues of competitiveness and business environment in light of the Lisbon agenda, the regulatory framework, the initiatives of three upcoming EU presidencies, and the position of the accession countries.